Trending Filtering using CVXPY

Fitting a Trend Filtering Model Using CVXPY

September 15, 2024 · Erik Dains

Ergodicity Breaking and the Coin Toss Game

Revealing the strangeness of ergodicity breaking with a simple game

August 3, 2024 · Erik Dains

Simulation of Stochastic Processes

Simulating Brownian Motion and two common stochastic processes.

February 10, 2023 · Erik Dains

Integer Programming for Daily Fantasy Sports

Using Integer Programming to find Daily Fantasy Sports lineups with the highest expected points.

July 6, 2022 · Erik Dains

Decomposing Volatility: Continuous and Jump Component

Illustrating how realized volatility can decomposed into a continuous and jump component, providing new modelling opportunities.

May 11, 2022 · Erik Dains

Exploring the Kelly Criterion: The Multi-Period Problem

Exploring how mean-variance methods and the Kelly Criterion compare in multi-period investments

December 18, 2021 · Erik Dains